Well, Cyber Monday is sort of the same as Black Friday, isn't it? Except that, being the last day of this opportunity to get wheels at a notable discount to our every day exceptionally reasonable prices, you don't have as much time to hit that BUY NOW button.
The Black Friday promo thus far has been quite popular. The biggest seller so far has been GOATs, with the Industry Nine-hubbed build holding an as-of-this-moment slightly diminishing lead over the White Industries build. Which makes us feel slightly smart since, in the early fall, Mike and I convinced ourselves that GOATs would start to become the hottest sellers. Our reasoning was that people are into the long multi-surface interesting kind of rides in the fall, in addition to all the CX stuff they're good for. Which of course meant that we immediately started selling more Café Racers than anything else. Happens every time. But now we look smart.
Al33 builds are leading the alloy overall and rim brake categories, with several different build variations clocking in.
As we've discussed several times, these Black Friday deals aren't so incredible that you have to rush out to the internet right now and buy them or face punishing regret. Our experience is more that thing which come at super incredible prices are more apt to cause regret. But most of you are pretty sensible people, and these are the best prices you're likely to see on any of these builds.
1 comment
Titanium freehub on the White Industries hubs FTW!