You call 'em demos, but we ride limos, too. Thanks, Chuck D. I love that song.
People want to try our wheels, and we want people to try out our wheels. We will be at some of the early season crits/circuit races with wheels available for people to demo in those races. Here are the races we plan to be at:
- Black Hills Circuit Race, Boyds MD, 3/19
- Chantilly Criterium, Chantilly VA, 4/16
- Carl Dolan Memorial Circuit Race, Columbia MD, 4/17
- Fort Ritchie Classic Criterium, Cascade MD, 5/7
"Gee, Dave," I can hear you thinking right now, "that sounds great and I'd love to try that out. Where do we go from here?" Here's where we go...
- Find our tent about an hour before your race (we may or may not be at all events for any given race, so don't make this your plan A for race wheels, m'kay?).
- Demos are first come first served (see note above about not making this your plan A for race wheels, m'kay?).
- Choose between FSWs, RFSWs and RFSC38s, as available.
- We'll install carbon-compatible brake pads (as necessary) and make sure your limit stops are set correctly for our hubs.
- Wheels will come equipped with really nice rubber (no better way to have you think the wheels are "meh" than for us to put mediocre rubber on them, right?)
- You pay us $30 for carbon and $20 for alloy wheel demos, cash on the barrel, 100% of which is applicable as credit against any subsequent wheel or frame purchase.
- Hand over your driver's license as security.
- Return them when your race is over. Don't forget to grab your license.
- Go home and hit "Buy Now."
Easy, right? But what if you want to go with what you know for your race and just take a quick roll around the parking lot? Well, we can do that too. Bring your license, keep your cash.
Send us a note to coordinate. See you at the races.