We've got a dilemma on our hands. We just opened up the pre-order for the HOT BUNS Frameset ($745) and HOT BUNS Original Recipe bike ($2345) and would like, well, everybody to know about it. The traditional approach to product launches is to get product into the hands of the editors at the largest magazines, and also buy some ads so that when and if the reviews do run you can follow up on that third-party coverage with whatever unsubstantiated claims of your own you'd like to make in the ads.
We can't go that route though. On the one hand, our team is racing all our HOT BUNS bikes now (well, except one but that ought to be remedied in time for Natz - heal up, Paul) and we'd rather have their feedback at this stage than the pubs'. That still leaves us with the option of buying ads promoting them, but ads cost money. Your money. Whatever we spend on marketing comes out of what our customers pay for bikes and wheels. Our philosophy is that if we're going to subsidize anybody, it's our customers. So instead of paying a magazine or website for the right to reach its audience, we'd rather find more value for you.
That's the heart of our whole pricing strategy - we cut out the expenses that don't make our products any better, or improve our ability to get them to you. The other side of that equation ideally comes from our customers. Instead of paying handsomely for the right to tell 50,000 Bicycling readers that our awesome frameset is only $1999, we choose to not incur (and pass along) that expense and hope our customers will tell their friends and teammates, "Holy crap - you've got to see this November HOT BUNS - it's only $745." We get reach, we get frequency, you and your friends get hella good deals on nice stuff.
The HOT BUNS Rising Dough Sweepstakes takes that concept and turns it up to 11. We're giving away a full HOT BUNS Original Recipe bike. Or rather, we're trying to. What we give away is determined by how many people enter the sweepstakes. And how many people enter is really up to you.
We're starting with one of our stylish new November Bicycles caps. If we get 20 people to enter, someone wins one of those.
If 42 people click the "sign me up" button, someone is the proud owner of our 43g DoubleSecretUltraLight Titanium skewers. As our pool of entrants grows, so does the prize value - up to a November jersey and then a full kit, a set of our FSW wheels, RFSW tubulars, Wheelhouse frame, RFSC clinchers, full wheel portfolios, PowerTap wheels, all the way up to the HOT BUNS Original Recipe ($2345) if we get 2345 people to enter. You can see the full prize list here.
We don't know 2345 people. But if we do by December 19th when the promo ends, we'll be glad to give away one of our bikes.
So enter here to give yourself a chance to win. When you're done we make it easy to tell your peeps on Facebook, Twitter and email, and give yourself a chance to win big.