On October 23rd, at 1030am, The Great November Ride will roll out from Rock Creek Park in DC. For those who've ridden the 10am Ride, it will start from the same place - at the intesection of Beach and Broad Branch. The route map is at http://veloroutes.org/bikemaps/?route=60406
Starting at 930a, we will be set up in the parking lot across Broad Branch from the ride start. We'll have coffee and donuts and the frames and wheels will be on display. If you're interested in checking the gear out but don't have the opportunity to ride the route, please feel free to come by. We'd love to see you and show you what we've got.
We also have some great partners to help everyone have a good time. Mountain Khakis will be providing some swag, as will our Descente (who are making our fantastic looking kit). We've got some cool November goodies up our sleeves too.
We'll do what we can do get everyone a chance to try stuff out. If you use Speedplay Zero pedals, you're in luck. If not, bring your pedals if you want to give the Wheelhouse a try.
Following the ride, we'll grill some food and give people more chance to see the moichandise.
Hope to see you there.
In the meantime, I drove some wheels to a phot shoot last night. It felt like taking kids to picture day at school.