We posted this in a bunch of different places but, duh, we forgot to post it here. It's been busy. Anyway, new kit day! These are open for order here, with delivery sometime later in July. We're also getting new bottles next week but separate news there.
As much as anything, we wanted to make stuff that's nice (and this Verge Strike stuff is ultra nice) that didn't cost an arm and a leg and didn't look like a clown costume. Mission partially accomplished.
PLEASE take care to check the Verge sizing chart (link is to men's sizes, there's another tab for women's just below it) as it is pretty specific sizing.
This order will be open until the end of the week and thereafter you'll be able to order it straight from the Verge store to which we will provide a link where the current order made is now.
Brett – We had to get it set up after the pre-order closed. The link is https://shop.vergesport.com/start.aspx and the password is NVB17
sorry, I don’t get it, where is the link to buy the kit?