RFSW3 Love letters

We don't normally publish any sort of reviews on the site because we just don't think they're credible - too many "give us a 5 star review and we'll send you a coupon for 50% off your next purchase" incidents out there. But the feedback coming in from RFSW3 owners has been great. Here is a sample:

"These things are awesome they ride better than my carbon tubs!" 

"Lovin' these things with corsas and latex (man that sound like porn)"

"But initial impressions -- couldn't be happier with the wheels and your service.  Period." 

"Lastly, I can’t say enough about the build quality of these wheels. They feel bomb proof. Thank you so very much for the work you and your staff put into them."

"I love the AL33s.  I'm on pace for my first ever full month averaging 20 mph."

"So far, loving them. ~550mils and they ride great. Running Michelin Power Competition 25s with Latex tubes."

Erik got the crazy spokes. Never be shy to ask for off the wall stuff.

Of course this needs to be taken with a whole shaker of salt, but I'm among the people riding them. My experience after a bunch of miles last year was enough for us to really get behind the project, but of course pre-production is pre-production and picking a pair of random rims off the rack and experiencing what customers are, in real time, is a better gauge.

Deep in the heart of Texas with this one

My overwhelming impression after about 600 miles, in keeping with my initial impression, is of how solid they are. There is no unwanted movement, you feel like you could drive them into a brick wall and they'd just laugh, they corner like a cheetah on the serenghetti (humor me - I was trying to avoid saying "like they're on Rails") and my average speed is up at least 1mph* since I've had them. I've got one big road race on them, and used them to great effect in slicing through the field on a downhill after being caught on the wrong side of a split. With Vittoria Corsa G+ tires and latex tubes, they not only feel smoother than velvet fog and faster than a kitten on caffeine, they make that mesmerizing "you're going fast now" hum when you're going fast. 

I'm using the machined brake track version, and the braking with my preferred alloy pad setup of Kool Stop Dura 2 dual compound front and dry compound rear, the braking is fantastic. Absolutely zero pulsing or grabbiness. 

Our initial take on weight guidance may turn out to be conservative. My sprint sucks, plain and simple, but even with a 160 pound rider of slight build ripping off Greipel-esque 1100w sprints, a Powertap rear would show any waggle that there is to show. There is none to show. The front? HAH! I don't think you can do a turn that they wouldn't eat up. 

We're shipping machine brake track builds on the regular, with ceramic rims coming back into stock in force at the end of the month (we have one set of 24/28 ceramics now). Ceramic versions are now shipping with SwissStop BXP pads included, which are proving to be a great mix of stopping, wear, and brake track friendliness.

Wonder Twin powers - ACTIVATE!!!

In separate news, our "at least a couple of times a decade whether it's needed or not" kit order is now live. In order to have delivery on schedule in mid-June, we have to have final numbers in by Thursday the 11th. Please refer to the sizing guide and if you are in doubt it's safer to size up. It's not speed suit sizing, but it is race fit and not club fit. 

Have fun watching the Giro!*no it isn't

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I did my first ride on the AL33s today and Im impressed by the wheels, but not impressed by the SwissStops. Although I am using the GHP II, I may only get 3 rides out of these pads. These pads were chewed up very fast. Sadly, the BXPs are backordered at all the shops nearby, so I may be waiting until A Force sends me the BXPs.


How much life should one expect to get out of the ceramic coating under 'normal' use?


RFSW3 ceramic: checkLatex tubes: checkVittoria Corsa G+: checkSwissStop BXP: toed inCouldn't be happier. These wheels are fast and mean. Bombing down crappy chip seal or hammering out of the saddle, I haven't doubted them once in the almost 1000 miles I've been enjoying them. The T11s let them rip on wide-open descents, but the BXP pads honestly make the wheels stop just about as fast as my other bike with Shimano hydraulic disc brakes. Color me impressed.


How do these compare to HED Belgium+ and why would you pick either one over the other? Also, what brake pads would be receommended for RFSW3 ceramic for a Campy 11 group?


Sterling – That's where it's at! Love to hear it.johndoe – Hard to say what normal is. When you have the CEO of Ridley Bikes saying that it's not unusual for a Pro Tour rider to wear through a carbon rim in a couple of Grand Tour stages (http://www.bikeradar.com/us/road/gear/article/jochim-aerts-ridley-ceo-interview-49176/), normal is very hard to establish. But more simply, we've not seen enough data points deep enough into life span to establish any kind of bell curve. Our customers are so far seeing good life. I'm aware of other people having less good experiences. I know for certain that they aren't receiving the kind of advice and interaction with their builders that our customers are, and they're using pads that are guaranteed to wreck the coating in short order. But time will give us a better understanding of total life span than we have now.Scott – Good question. Without any snark at all, why would one pick any rim over another? Someone might pick, say, a set of 303s over a set of Select+ with Belgium+ and T11s because they wanted a certain look and were willing to suffer worse hubs, worse braking, and well over double the cost. The Al33s have a more "these will bash through a wall and not bat an eye" feeling, where the HEDs are maybe a bit more nimble feeling. I'd love to be able to blind test them and remove any of my own confirmation bias in riding them, but that's hard. In any case, they are both exceedingly well built rims and you can buy a set with either from the best place from which you could possibly buy your wheels. For pads, we recommend SwissStop BXP RacePro. A set is included with our builds.


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