The dojo pre-order is LIVE! and will be so until either we've sold 100 frames, or 1/17/14, whichever comes first. Click here, and price and configure to your heart's content.
It will be available in both lovely color...
And black and white...
Have a look at the geometry...
Now, we've never done things like other companies would, and we're not about to start now. That part where I said we'd keep the pre-order open through 100 orders, or 1/17, that comes with a catch: if we don't get 100 orders, the dojo is a nojo. As we explained previously, our pricing doesn't support the kind of risk that it would entail to speculatively bring over a big order and hope and pray that they sold and that we'd picked right on the sizing. So we're all in this thing together, which is a great thing, but if it turns out that it's not a great thing, it's nothing.
Once we get to 100, we will give a couple days' notice for anyone else waiting until the last minute. If we don't get to 100, naturally we refund everyone 100%.
We will show a daily tracker of how many orders we have. Since these things are part of human nature, we expect everyone to procrastinate to the very end. But, since we're fully willing to give away the top end, we will shut the sucker down at 100, and the sooner that happens, the sooner they arrive. If I didn't always want to punch people who use phrases like "win-win situation" in the phace, I'd call that a win-win situation.
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