As a veteran maker-upper of new and exciting holidays (ask anyone who's been on a Hatteras trip about the joys of Mahalowe'en, Beer Night (a celebration of canned American-style pilseners), and Man Bag Day), I felt justified in proclaiming the second day of fall to be Pumpkin Spice Day. Which I think we're probably all really well and truly over and completely sick of by now, n'est-ce pas?
You can smell the pumpkin spice from here
Anyway, as payment for the shorter hours, crap windy rainy days (I'm looking at you, today), vomit-inducing intervals you need to do just to even suck at cross, and having to hear Mariah Carey's version of Christmas songs anytime you leave the house, we offer you the best comfort we can - THE COLORS OF FALL!
Let's face it, colored hubs are cooler. They're scientifically proven to decrease (er, actually increase) time to exhaustion in time trial effort among a random sampling of people I asked about it. They increase your stature in the community, decrease your heart rate at any given rate of perceived effort, and get you reduced entry fees at USA Cycling sanctioned events. When I met Lance Armstrong, he told me that his one real regret was that he didn't use colored hubs during his career. (some of these statements might not be true)
Ike will say this looks like Easter. He's wrong. It's pumpkin spice.
What IS true, however, is that we're encouraging you to put some pep in your step with colored hubs. How? By paying you - THAT'S how! From now through whenever we decide we've had enough, colored hubs are LESS expensive than black hubs, instead of being MORE expensive than black hubs. I know, right?
And now that we're building with the adorable Industry Nine colorific hubs, there's even more color to love.
So get some wheels, get some color, get back at Lance Armstrong, decrease your resting heart rate, increase threshold power by 8%, and more importantly make your rig/steed/whip way more sexier by getting some hoops with rad colored hubs!
"scientifically proven to decrease time to exhaustion in time trial" That doesn't sound like a selling point.
Well I said some of these claims weren't true!
Do you have the ones that change colour the harder you pedal?
Yes, but you have to go to plaid. Then they turn plaid.
Fashion tip: Make the bike ti (ideally) or black. Then use multiple sets of wheels with bright hubs to accessorize. Like having a new bike by switching wheels!